United Players Of Vancouver



Become a friend of United Players and nurture the garden of creativity.

The theatrical ecosystem – writers, players, builders and broom pushers – thrives or perishes at the hands of its tenders. Like a neighbourhood garden, United Players is a space for people to collectively tend to and enjoy their community. For 60 years United Players has nurtured artists, tilled creative ground and enriched Vancouver’s artistic soil. We have been a garden of many hands and no fences.

Unfortunately, no garden is unaffected by an inhospitable climate. With funding cuts to the arts, not to mention the difficulties caused due to COVID-19, we are calling on you who take joy in the arts and who have shown your generosity with your applause – get your hands dirty with us and plant some seeds! Become a part of our sustained growth by committing to an annual donation; ask your company to sponsor a show; or consider personally or corporately sponsoring the costumes, set, or design for a production.

Supporter benefits for donors to the 2024/2025 Season:

Friend $25-$99

• Charitable tax receipt
• Vote at the Annual General Meeting
• Two free concession drink tickets

Fan $100-$249

All of the Friend benefits, plus:
• Invite-a-friend free pass
• Your name in the programme

Enthusiast $250-$499

All of the Fan benefits, plus:
• Two free concession snack tickets
• Two free concession drink tickets per show
• Invitation to the annual
Donor Appreciation Event
• 25% discount on single ticket purchases

Benefactor $500-$999

All of the Enthusiast benefits, plus:
• Reserved seating at shows
Two free concession snack tickets per show

Visionary $1,000+

All of the Benefactor benefits, plus:
• Free parking at United Players shows
Lunch with the Artistic Director

Show Sponsor $3,000

• Opening night drinks with the Artistic Director
• Six complimentary tickets to opening night
• Sponsorship announced in the preshow speech and highlighted in the show programme
• Sign in the lobby thanking the Show Sponsor

Donate online or via mail. We’re incredibly grateful for your support!

Registered Canadian Charity #0763615-22-27

The Andrée Karas Scholarship Fund:

Donations specifically for The Scholarship Fund are much appreciated – please just let us know if you would like your donation to be applied towards the scholarship.

United Players thanks Donna Webb for fully funding the first two scholarships awarded.

The Andrée Karas Scholarship

Andree Karas, a white woman with short white hair wearing a floral print shirt, smiles at the camera.


After dedicating nearly forty years of service to United Players of Vancouver (‘UP’), Andrée Karas retired as President and Artistic Director in October 2020. Andrée’s inspired leadership of UP, and her contribution to the theatre community in Vancouver at large, have helped to recognize and foster talent amongst young and emerging artists.

Each year, to honour her achievements, UP will award the Andrée Karas Scholarship (AKS) of $2,500.00 to a student in the Dramatic Arts in order that they may pursue studies in their chosen area of theatre. This award applies not just to acting, but to other areas of stage craft as well, including technical studies.

The granting of the scholarship award is at the sole discretion of the AKS Committee, whose decision in the matter is final.

Applicants must:
• have participated in theatre arts, in whatever capacity
• be accepted/enrolled into the course/program unit for which they are applying for a scholarship
• live in the Greater Vancouver area and be a Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident
• be able to produce evidence of the above, but only in the event that they are asked for interview
• be prepared to attend a short interview with the AKS Committee to put forward their case for receiving the award

Applications may be submitted from May 1 to July 10 of the year in which their relevant course/program/unit is starting.
Applicants will be advised whether their application has been successful by July 31.
The application form is a Word document. Click here to download the form.
Please return the completed form to the AKS Committee at: akstheatre2024@gmail.com or info@unitedplayers.com